1. Faye R. E. Jobson F. E. and Land L. F. (1979). Impact of flow regulation and powerplant effluents on the flow and temperature regimes of the Chattahoochee River—Atlanta to Whitesburg Georgia.” U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1108 56 pp.
2. Huang J. Y. C. and Wozniak D. J. (1981). “Nitrogen transformations in streams.” J. Environmental Sci. 41–45.
3. Comment on ‘A new collocation method for the solution of the convection-dominated transport equation’ by George E. Pinder and Allen Shapiro
4. Jobson H. E. (1981). “Temperature and solute‐transport simulation in streamflow using a Lagrangian reference frame.” U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations 81‐2 NSTL Miss. 165 pp.
5. Jobson H. E. (1985). “Simulating unsteady transport of nitrogen biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen in the Chattachoochee River downstream from Atlanta Georgia.” U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2264 U.S. Government Printing Office Washington D.C. 36 pp.