1. Allan R. F. “Shallow Draught Towboats of the Canadian Northland ” Proceedings Second International Tug Conference Paper I.
2. Baier L. A. “American River Towboats ” International Shipbuilding Progress Vol. 6 No. 61 pp. 482–485.
3. Bogdanov B. V. “Form Coefficients and Hull Form ” Towing Vessels Design and Construction B. V. Bogdanov A. V. Stutskii M. G. Smakov K. A. Bashlveb and D. Kh. Sorkin eds. Sudostroenie Leningrad U.S.S.R. 1974 pp. 118–132 (in Russian). For English translation see Ref. 11.
4. Christopoulos B. private communication American Commerical Barge Line Company Jeffersonville Ind. Dec. 1981.