1. Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40, Bogota, Colombia (corresponding author).
2. Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40, Bogota, Colombia.
3. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Piura, Peru; formerly, Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 Este No. 19A-40, Bogota, Colombia.
4. Instructor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Universidad de la Salle, Cra. 5 No. 59A-44, Bogota, Colombia.