1. Clear-water scour development at bridge abutments
2. Fotherby L. M. and Jones J. S. (1993). “The influence of exposed footings on pier scour depths.” Proc. 1993 Hydraulic Engineering Conf. ASCE Reston Va. 922–927.
3. Hannah C. R. (1978). “Scour at pile groups.” Rep. No. 78-3 Dept. of Civil Engineering Univ. of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand.
4. Jones J. S. (1989). “Laboratory studies of the effects of footings and pile groups on bridge pier scour.” Proc. Bridge Scour Symp. Rep. No. FHWA-RD-90-035 Subcommittee on Sedimentation Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data Federal Highway Administration Washington D.C. 340–359.
5. Pier and Abutment Scour: Integrated Approach