1. Brown R. J. and Rogers D. C. (1977). “A simulation of the hydraulic events during and following the Teton Dam failure.” Proc. Dam‐Break Flood Routing Model Workshop held at Bethesda Md. 131–163.
2. Brown R. J. and Rogers D. C. (1981). User manual for program BRDAM . Engineering and Research Center Bureau of Reclamation Denver Colo.
3. Chow V. T. (1959). Open channel hydraulics . Int. Student Ed. McGraw‐Hill Book Co. New York N.Y.
4. Cristofano E. A. (1965). Method of computing rate of failure of earth fill dams . Bureau of Reclamation Denver Colo.
5. Fread D.L. (1977). “The development and testing of a dam‐break flood forecasting model.” Proc. of Dam‐Break Flood Routing Model Workshop held at Bethesda Md. 164–197.