1. Res. Sci., CSIRO Build., Constr. and Engrg., P.O. Box 56, Highett, Victoria, 3190, Australia. E-mail: Chi-hsiang.Wang@dbce.csiro.au
2. Project Leader and Prin. Res. Sci., CSIRO Build., Constr. and Engrg., P.O. Box 56, Highett, Victoria, 3190, Australia.
3. Grad. Res. Asst., Dept. of Civ., Struct., and Envir., Engrg., State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260.
4. Prof., Dept. of Civ., Struct., and Envir., Engrg., State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260. E-mail: reinhorn@buffalo.edu