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2. Abu-Hejleh A. N. Znidarčić D. and Robertson A. (1992). “Results of seepage induced consolidation tests on phosphatic clays.” Rep. Prepared for FIPR Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Univ. of Colorado Boulder Colo.
3. Abu-Hejleh A. N. (1993). “Desiccation theory for soft soils ” PhD dissertation Dept. of Civ. Engrg. Univ. of Colorado Boulder Colo.
4. Abu-Hejleh A. N. and Znidarčić D. (1994). “Estimation of the consolidation constitutive relations.” 8th Int. Conf. on Comp. Methods and Adv. in Geomech. (IACMAG94) H. J. Siriwardane and M. M. Zaman eds. Morgantown W.Va. 499–504.
5. Evaluation of the flow pump and constant head techniques for permeability measurements