1. Agnew et al. (1975). “Biological treatment of combined sewer overflow at Kenosha Wisconsin.” Rep. No. EPA-670/2–75–019 U.S. Envir. Protection Agency Cincinnati Ohio.
2. Allen D. M. Sargent R. L. and Oberteuffer J. A. (1977). “Treatment of combined sewer overflows by high gradient magnetic separation.” Rep. EPA-600/2–77–015 U.S. Envir. Protection Agency Cincinnati Ohio.
3. American Public Works Association (APWA). (1970). “Control of infiltration and inflow into sewer systems.” Rep. 11022EFF12/70 U.S. Envir. Protection Agency Washington D.C.
4. American Public Works Association (APWA). (1971). “Prevention and correction of excessive infiltration and inflow into sewer systems—a manual of practice.” Rep. 11022EFF01/71 U.S. Envir. Protection Agency Washington D.C.
5. ASCE. (1969). “Combined sewer separation using pressure sewers.” Rep. 11020EKO10/69 U.S. Envir. Protection Agency Washington D.C.