1. Bergman S. Magnus “Geo‐Planning: A Necessary Tool for Controlled Underground Construction ” presented at the September 1978 3rd International Association of Engineering Geology held in Madrid Spain.
2. Bergman S. Magnus “Low‐Cost Storage of Petroleum Products in Salt Domes Mines and Rock Caverns ” Proceedings of the 4th Annual ITA Meeting (Tokyo 1978) International Tunnelling Association 1978 pp. 33–34.
3. Bergman S. Magnus “The Potential for Underground Industrial Commercial and Storage Facilities ” University of Minnesota Report for the Minnesota Energy Agency Minneapolis Minn. 1978.
4. Bergman S. Magnus and Fairhurst C. “The Utilization of Subsurface Space and Its Potential in Developing Countries ” Working Paper United Nations Division of Natural Resources and Energy New York N.Y. 1982.