1. Bertero V. V. and Popov E. P. “Hysteretic Behavior of Ductile Moment‐Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frame Components ” Report No. EERC 75‐16 Earthquake Engineering Research Center Univ. of California Berkeley Calif. Apr. 1975.
2. Durrani A. J. and Wight J. K. “Experimental and Analytical Study of Internal Beam‐Column Connections Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading ” Report No. UMEE 82R3 Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor Mich. July 1982.
3. Eligehausen R. Popov E. P. and Bertero V. V. “Local Bond Stress‐Slip Relationships of Deformed Bars under Generalized Excitations ” Report No. UCB/EERC 83‐23 Earthquake Engineering Research Center Univ. of California Berkeley Calif. Oct. 1983.
4. Filippou F. C. Popov E. P. and Bertero V. V. “Effects of Bond Deterioration on Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Joints ” Report No. UCB/EERC 83‐19 Earthquake Engineering Research Center Univ. of California Berkeley Calif. Aug. 1983.