1. Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts Univ., 113 Anderson Hall, 200 College Ave., Medford, MA 02155.
2. Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2108 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, 205 North Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (corresponding author). ORCID: .
3. Professor of Practice, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts Univ., 419 Boston Ave., Medford, MA 02155; Principal, LeMessurier Consultants, 1380 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston, MA 02135.
4. Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 North Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801.