1. ASTM. (2009). “Standard test method for determining average bonding peel strength between the top and bottom layers of needle-punched geosynthetic clay liners.” D6496 West Conshohocken PA.
2. ASTM. (2010a). “Standard test method for determining tensile properties of nonreinforced polyethylene and nonreinforced flexible polypropylene geomembranes.” D6693 West Conshohocken PA.
3. ASTM. (2010b). “Standard test method for measuring core thickness of textured geomembrane.” D5994 West Conshohocken PA.
4. ASTM. (2013a). “Standard test method for determining the internal and interface shear resistance of geosynthetic clay liner by the direct shear method.” D6243 West Conshohocken PA.
5. ASTM. (2013b). “Standard test method for index puncture resistance of geomembranes and related products.” D4833 West Conshohocken PA.