1. Geotechnical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, 1500 Rock Island Dr., Rock Island, IL 61201; formerly, Graduate Student, Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS 39762. ORCID: .
2. Asset Management Analyst, Hazen and Sawyer, 7700 Irvine Center Dr., Irvine, CA 92615; formerly, Graduate Research Associate, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH 43210.
3. CEE Advisory Board Endowed Professor and Professor, Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS 39762 (corresponding author). ORCID: .
4. Lichtenstein Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH 43210.
5. Senior Structural Engineer, Risk Management Center, US Army Corps of Engineers, Lakewood, CO 80228.