1. Best R. L. (1977). Reconstruction of a tragedy: The Beverly Hills Supper Club fire. NFPA Boston Mass.
2. Best R. L. and Demers D. P. (1982). Investigation report on the MGM Grand Hotel fire Las Vegas on November 21 1980. NFPA Boston Mass.
3. Bignell V. (1977). “The Ronan Point tower block collapse.” Catastrophic failures V. Bignell G. Peters and C. Pym The Open University Press Milton Keines U.K. 105–126.
4. Bignell V. (1977). “The West Gate Bridge collapse.” Catastrophic failures V. Bignell G. Peters and C. Pym The Open University Press Milton Keines U.K. 127–166.
5. Bignell V. Peters G. and Pym C. (1977). Catastrophic failures. The Open University Press Milton Keines U.K.