1. Mark van Doorn is Research Scientist in the Media Interaction group of the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. Prior to working for Philips Research, he studied computer science at the University of Twente (the Netherlands) where he received a MSc degree in 1999 on the topic of multimedia databases. Since 1999, he has been pursuing his PhD on the investigation of system architectures for ambient intelligence that support end-users in programming their own personalized environments.
2. Evert van Loenen is Principal Scientist in the Media Interaction Group of the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. He has been active in ambient intelligence research since 1999, specializing in application design, natural user-system interaction, context awareness, and user studies in Philips' Experience Labs. He has managed one of the first and largest European projects in this field, the ITEA-AMBIENCE project, and was awarded with the 2003 ITEA Achievement Award. He has a PhD in physics, is...
3. Arjen de Vries is Senior Researcher in CWI's Database Architectures and Information Access theme (INS1). He leads the Information Access team that performs research into the integration of information retrieval and databases. He has worked on a variety of research topics, including (multimedia) information retrieval, collaborative filtering, personalized social media, and ambient intelligence. Arjen, who holds a PhD in computer science, is Associate Professor in the area of multimedia data management at...