1. Ideas That Reveal the Cosmos (new Haven: Yale univ. Press, 2016). 2 lorraine Daston and Elizabeth Iunbeck, Histories of Scientific Ob
2. servation (Chicago: university of Chicago Press, 2011) p. 4.
3. Scientific Revolution (Chicago: university of Chicago Press, 2004). 4 gianna Pomata and nancy g. Siraisi, eds., Historia: Empiricism and
4. Erudition in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 2005). 5 William Whewell, The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, 2 vols.
5. (london: John W. Parker, 1840) Vol. 2, p. 502. 6 David aubin, Charlotte Bigg and H. Otto Sibum, eds., The Heavens