1. Matthias Wienroth (social scientist), Department of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, U.K. Email: m.wienroth@gmail.com.
2. MATTHIAS WIENROTH is an academic scholar and knowledge broker at the interface of the sociology of science and technology; public and policy engagement; and governance and ethics studies.
3. Pippa Goldschmidt (artist), 50 West Holmes Gardens, Musselburgh, EH21 6QW, U.K. Email: write@pippagoldschmidt.co.uk.
4. PIPPA GOLDSCHMIDT is a writer of science-informed prose and poetry and an art-science practitioner. She is the author of the novel The Falling Sky, the short story collection The Need for Better Regulation of Outer Space, and co-editor of the anthology I Am Because You Are, all published by Freight Books.