1. All websites were accessed 26 August-21 September 2020. 1 See, for example, M. Smith, "The Promise, The Moon," in Ursula K.
2. Frederick, ed. and curator, Promised the Moon 1969*2019, exh. cat., Australian National University School of Art & Design Gallery, 20 June-26 July 2019: www.promisedthemoon.net.au/exhibition. 2 African Union, "African Space Policy: Towards Social, Political
3. and Economic Integration" (2017): www.au.int/sites/default/files/ newsevents/workingdocuments/33178-wd-african_space_policy_-_ st20444_e_original.pdf. 3 African Union, "Statute of the African Space Agency" (2018): www
4. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" (1959): https://digitallibrary .un.org/record/840867.
5. Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space (1963): http://un-documents.net/a18r1962.htm. 9 United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, "Treaty on Princi