Sustaining Positive Change in the Teaching Scholars’ Online Community of Practice


Mardjetko AndrewORCID,Jacobsen MicheleORCID,Archer-Kuhn BethORCID,Din CariORCID,Donszelmann Darlene,Nowell LorelliORCID,Jamniczky HeatherORCID


In this paper, we emphasize the value of an online community of practice (OCoP) for bringing together faculty from across disciplines to share and leverage their diverse expertise and perspectives. We examine the transition of an interdisciplinary community of practice through the pivot into an online environment for engagement, communication, and collaboration. Through this paper we describe our individual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects and how we have navigated these projects within the Teaching Scholars OCoP, as well as our reflections and key learnings that have resulted from this sustained collaboration. We contribute key learnings and online strategies which can inform and be tailored by other academics and institutions who are developing online communities of practice as an approach to sustaining educational leadership and change in SoTL research and practice in diverse and distributed contexts.


University of Victoria Libraries

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