1. School of Education, Central University of Kashmir, Ganderbal (J&K) India
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya has significantly emphasized that the teaching-learning process should be based on a teacher's reflectiveness involving higher cognitive skills. Besides, Pandit Malaviya has stressed that the teaching-learning process should be activity-based at all stages of education. He also emphasized project based learning at university level. The National Educational Policy-2020 acknowledges and designates teachers and faculty as the core of the educational process. Educators must understand and embrace the concepts of integrated and multidisciplinary approaches and the need for development of 21st century skills. The policy aims at overall development of teachers so that they can have knowledge or expertise in a variety of subjects through access to information and communication technology, teacher trainings, and other facilities at the higher education institutions, as well as newly introduced MERUs (Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities) with the dynamics of teaching methodology under the banner of NEP-2020, the focus of the Indian higher education system is shifting from teachers to students, information to knowledge, marks to skills, exams to experiments, learning to research, and choice to competency. At P/3, NEP envisages, by 2040, India must strive to have the best educational system in the world. In the present paper, an attempt has been made by the researchers to study the ideas and concepts of teaching as advocated by Pandit Malaviya. Besides, an attempt has been made to examine and evaluate the changing role of teachers in the light of educational thought of Pandit Malaviya and as per the recommendations of NEP-2020. Finally, the emphasis of reflective teaching as has been equally emphasized by New Education Policy 2020 and Pandit Malaviya has also been an epoch task of this paper.
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