Large mass rigidity for a liquid drop model in 2D with kernels of finite moments


Merlet Benoit,Pegon Marc


Cellule MathDoc/CEDRAM


General Mathematics

Reference36 articles.

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1. A Variational Model of Charged Drops in Dielectrically Matched Binary Fluids: The Effect of Charge Discreteness;Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis;2024-08-31

2. Local and Nonlocal Liquid Drop Models;CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences;2024

3. $$\Gamma $$–limit for a sharp interface model related to pattern formation on biomembranes;Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations;2023-01-27

4. Second Order Expansion for the Nonlocal Perimeter Functional;Communications in Mathematical Physics;2022-11-19

5. Existence of minimizers for a generalized liquid drop model with fractional perimeter;Nonlinear Analysis;2022-11







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