1. University of Saskatchewan
A Teaching Behavior Rating Scale was developed for rating teacher-interns after about eight weeks of school experience. The scale consists of 16 positively worded 11-point scale items. Using the scale, both the 10 college faculty supervisors and the 67 cooperating teachers rated 67 interns, 30 men and 37 women. The participating interns had been administered the personality section of the Personal Profile Program before commencement of their internships. Total scores for the thematic essays the interns wrote for their admission interview for the college as well as the interviewers' over-all scores were also used. The internal consistency coefficients for the teachers' and college faculty ratings, respectively, were both .98. A four-factor principal components analysis of the 14 variable correlation matrix yielded parsimonious factors after oblimin oblique rotation. Consistent with theory, scale scores for teachers and college faculty are strongly correlated ( r = .73). Also, perception of teaching skill is related to the interns' scores for lower dominance and higher flexibility.