1. The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute‐Hospital), McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada
2. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada
3. First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg Saint‐Petersburg Russia
4. Department of Physiology McGill University Montréal Quebec Canada
5. Department of Human Genetics McGill University Montréal Quebec Canada
6. Department of Neurology College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University Medical Center New York New York USA
7. Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Department of Radiology University of Calgary Calgary Alberta Canada
8. Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Cumming School of Medicine Calgary Alberta Canada
9. National Reference Center for Narcolepsy, Sleep Unit, Department of Neurology Gui‐de‐Chauliac Hospital, CHU Montpellier, University of Montpellier Montpellier France
10. Division of Neurosciences CHU de Québec, Université Laval Quebec City Quebec Canada
11. Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Université Laval Québec Quebec Canada
12. The Danek Gertner Institute of Human Genetics, Sheba Medical Center Ramat Gan Israel
13. The Joseph Sagol Neuroscience Center, Sheba Medical Center Ramat Gan Israel
14. Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel
15. The Movement Disorders Institute, Department of Neurology, Sheba Medical Center Tel Aviv Israel
16. Research Centre for Medical Genetics Moscow Russia
17. Institute of the Human Brain of RAS St. Petersburg Russia
18. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Centre de Recherche en Biologie Structurale McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada
19. Division of Movement Disorders Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Tel Aviv Israel