1. The morbidity and mortality of vermiculite miners and millers exposed to tremolite-actinolite: Part I. Exposure estimates
2. The morbidity and mortality of vermiculite miners and millers exposed to tremolite-actinolite: Part III. Radiographic findings
3. , , , , . (1987c): Mortality of vermiculite miners exposed to tremolite. Sixth International Symposium on Inhaled Particles, Cambridge, England. To be published.
4. , , , , . (1982): “Collection, Analysis and Characterization of Vermiculite Samples for Fiber Content and Asbestos Contamination.” MRI report for EPA, project No. 4901-A32 under EPA contract 68-01-5915. F. Kutz, EPA project officer.
5. Aspects on confounding in occupational health epidemiology.