Contribution of genotypes in Prothrombin and Factor V Leiden to COVID‐19 and disease severity in patients at high risk for hereditary thrombophilia


Kiraz Aslıhan1ORCID,Sezer Ozlem2ORCID,Alemdar Adem3,Canbek Sezin4,Duman Nilgun5,Bisgin Atıl6,Cora Tulin7,Ruhi Hatice Ilgın8,Ergoren Mahmut Cerkez9,Geçkinli Bilgen Bilge10,Sag Sebnem Ozemri11,Gözden Hilmi Erdem312,Oz Ozlem13,Altıntaş Zuhal Mert14,Yalcıntepe Sinem15,Keskin Adem16,Tak Ayşegül Yabacı17,Paskal Şeyma Aktaş18,Yürekli Uğur Fahri19,Demirtas Mercan20,Evren Emine Unal21,Hanta Abdullah22,Başdemirci Müşerref23,Suer Kaya24,Balta Burhan1,Kocak Nadir7,Karabulut Halil Gürhan8,Cobanogulları Havva25,Ateş Esra Arslan10,Bozdoğan Sevcan Tuğ6,Eker Damla15,Ekinci Sadiye8,Nergiz Süleyman7,Tuncalı Timur8,Yagbasan Serap18,Alavanda Ceren10,Kutlay Nuket Yurur8,Evren Hakan21,Erdoğan Murat1,Altıner Sule8,Sanlidag Tamer25,Gonen Gizem Akıncı1,Vicdan Arzu8,Eras Nazan14,Eker Hatice Koçak23,Balasar Ozgür23,Tuncel Gulten25,Dundar Munis18,Gurkan Hakan15ORCID,Temel Sehime Gulsun31126ORCID


1. Kayseri City Training and Research Hospital Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center Kayseri Turkey

2. Samsun Training and Research Hospital Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center Samsun Turkey

3. Department of Translational Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences Bursa Uludag University Bursa Turkey

4. Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center Health Sciences University Istanbul Turkey

5. Department of Medical Genetics, Dragos Hospital Bezmialem Vakıf University Istanbul Turkey

6. Medical Genetics Department of Medical Faculty, AGENTEM (Adana Genetic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Center) Cukurova University Adana Turkey

7. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Selcuk University Konya Turkey

8. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Ankara University Ankara Turkey

9. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Near East University Nicosia Cyprus

10. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Marmara University Istanbul Turkey

11. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Bursa Uludag University Bursa Turkey

12. Department of Haematology, Bursa Yuksek Ihtısas Training and Research Hospital Health Sciences University Bursa Turkey

13. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Harran University Sanlıurfa Turkey

14. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Mersin University Mersin Turkey

15. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Trakya University Edirne Turkey

16. Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Health Sciences Adnan Menderes University Aydın Turkey

17. Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine Bezmialem Vakıf University Istanbul Turkey

18. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Erciyes University Kayseri Turkey

19. Department of Medical Biochemistry, Sanlıurfa Mehmet Akif İnan Health Application and Research Center Health Sciences University Sanlıurfa Turkey

20. Mikrogen Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory Ankara Turkey

21. Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Kyrenia Kyrenia Cyprus

22. Cukurova University AGENTEM (Adana Genetic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Center) Adana Turkey

23. Konya Training and Research Hospital, Genetic Diseases Evaluation Center Health Sciences University Konya Turkey

24. Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinicai Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Near East University Nicosia Cyprus

25. DESAM Institute Near East University Nicosia Cyprus

26. Department of Medical Genetics, Health Sciences Institute Baskent University Ankara Turkey


AbstractThrombotic and microangiopathic effects have been reported in COVID‐19 patients. This study examined the contribution of the hereditary thrombophilia factors Prothrombin (FII) and Factor V Leiden (FVL) genotypes to the severity of COVID‐19 disease and the development of thrombosis. This study investigated FII and FVL alleles in a cohort of 9508 patients (2606 male and 6902 female) with thrombophilia. It was observed that 930 of these patients had been infected by SARS‐CoV‐2 causing COVID‐19. The demographic characteristics of the patients and their COVID‐19 medical history were recorded. Detailed clinical manifestations were analyzed in a group of cases (n = 4092). This subgroup was age and gender‐matched. FII and FVL frequency data of healthy populations without thrombophilia risk were obtained from Bursa Uludag University Medical Genetic Department's Exome Databank. The ratio of males (31.08%; 27.01%) and the mean age (36.85 ± 15.20; 33.89 ± 14.14) were higher among COVID‐19 patients compared to non‐COVID‐19 patients. The prevalence of FVL and computerized tomography (CT) positivity in COVID‐19 patients was statistically significant in the thrombotic subgroup (p < 0.05). FVL prevalence, CT positivity rate, history of thrombosis, and pulmonary thromboembolism complication were found to be higher in deceased COVID‐19 patients (p < 0.05). Disease severity was mainly affected by FVL and not related to genotypes at the Prothrombin mutations. Overall, disease severity and development of thrombosis in COVID‐19 are mainly affected by the variation within the FVL gene. Possible FVL mutation should be investigated in COVID‐19 patients and appropriate treatment should be started earlier in FVL‐positive patients.




Infectious Diseases,Virology







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