1. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio Erspamer” Sapienza University of Rome Rome Italy
2. San Raffaele of Cassino Cassino (FR) Italy
3. Huntington Medical Research Institutes Pasadena California USA
4. Department of Neurology and Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Charlestown Massachusetts USA
5. Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche (CMRR) Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier Montpellier France
6. Institute of Biocybernetics Warsaw Poland
7. Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw and Nalecz Warsaw Poland
8. Department of Neuroscience Imaging and Clinical Sciences and CESI University “G. D'Annunzio” of Chieti‐Pescara Chieti Italy
9. Psychological Neuroscience Lab School of Psychology University of Minho Minho Portugal
10. Division of Medical & Scientific Relations Alzheimer's Association Chicago Illinois USA
11. Skolkowo Institute of Science and Technology (SKOLTECH) Moscow Russia
12. Systems Research Institute PAS Warsaw Poland
13. Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK) Torun Poland
14. Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Center for Biomedical Technology Universidad Complutense and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid Spain
15. Department of Neurology Pitié‐Salpêtrière Hospital AP‐HP Boulevard de l'hôpital Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IM2A) Paris France
16. ICM INSERM U1127 CNRS UMR 7225 Sorbonne Université Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière Paris France
17. Foundation Director of the Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI) Research Facilities Monash University Clayton Australia
18. School of Engineering Institute for Digital Communications The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK
19. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery McGill University Montreal Canada
20. Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience Trinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland
21. Oasi Research Institute ‐ IRCCS Troina Italy
22. IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli Brescia Italy
23. Memory Clinic and LANVIE ‐ Laboratory of Neuroimaging of Aging University Hospitals and University of Geneva Geneva Switzerland
24. GRC n° 21 Alzheimer Precision Medicine (APM) AP‐HP Pitié‐Salpêtrière Hospital Boulevard de l'hôpital Sorbonne University Paris France
25. Division of Clinical Geriatrics NVS Department Karolinska Institutet Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm Sweden
26. Department of Bio and Brain Engineering/Program of Brain and Cognitive Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Daejeon South Korea
27. Department of Behavioral Science College of Medicine University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky USA
28. Institute of Gerontology Wayne State University Detroit Michigan USA
29. School of Psychology University of Glasgow Glasgow UK
30. Geriatric Psychiatry Division Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Toronto Ontario Canada
31. MGH Epilepsy Service Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts USA
32. Vielight Inc. Toronto Ontario Canada
33. IRCCS SDN Napoli Italy
34. Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis St. Louis Missouri USA
35. School of Psychological Sciences and Health University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK
36. Newcastle upon Tyne Translational and Clinical Research Institute Newcastle University UK
37. Department of Neuroscience (DINOGMI) University of Genoa Genoa Italy
38. Clinica Neurologica IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino Genoa Italy
39. UC Davis Department of Neurology and Center for Mind and Brain Davis California USA
40. Center for Brain Health Department of Psychiatry NYU Langone Medical Center New York New York USA
41. Brain Simulation Section Department of Neurology Charité Universitätsmedizin and Berlin Institute of Health Berlin Germany
42. Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin Germany
43. Department of Motor Sciences and Healthiness University of Naples Parthenope Naples Italy
44. IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana Rome Italy
45. Global Brain Health Institute University of California San Francisco San Francisco USA
46. Global Brain Health Institute Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland
47. Department of Psychosomatic Medicine University of Rostock Rostock Germany
48. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) – Rostock/Greifswald Rostock Germany
49. Cuban Neuroscience Center Havana Cuba
50. Key Laboratory for Neuroinformation University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu China
51. Experimental Neuropsychopharmacology BfArM) Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte Bonn Germany
52. Departments of Neurosciences and Department of Neurology Dokuz Eylül University Medical School Izmir Turkey
53. Department of Biophysics School of Medicine Istanbul Medipol University Istanbul Turkey
54. REMER Clinical Electrophysiology Neuroimaging and Neuromodulation Lab Istanbul Medipol University Istanbul Turkey