1. UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC, University of Bordeaux Talence France
2. Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland
3. Department of Biosciences University of Milan Milan Italy
4. Institute of Ecology, Ilia State University Tbilisi Georgia
5. The James Hutton Institute Aberdeen UK
6. Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) and Department of Biological Sciences Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Arizona USA
7. Division of Biological Sciences and the Institute on Ecosystems University of Montana Missoula Montana USA
8. Departamento de Botánica Universidad de Concepción and Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversiad (IEB) Concepción Chile
9. Department of Biology York University Toronto Ontario Canada
10. Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (EEZA‐CSIC) Almería Spain
11. Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland