1. School of the Natural Built Environment Queen's University Belfast UK
2. Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland), Clarence Court Belfast UK
3. School of Engineering, College of Science & Engineering University of Galway Galway Ireland
AbstractGround‐penetrating radar (syn. water‐penetrating radar, or WPR hereon) has been used previously in the detection and characterisation of riverine scour. This paper presents field data, equipment calibration and processing output results from a new generation of high dynamic range (HDR) radar systems. These provide a new and more sophisticated model of fluvial scour for the study site. The adaptability for deployment on water, wide bandwidth and good quality in raw and processed data, demonstrates the advantages of the system. Data processing and depth calibration are issues in the interpretation of WPR data, which are both discussed. WPR demonstrates the potential for surveying sedimentation where palaeoscour occurred and thus anticipated. This maybe in conjunction with other techniques or where aquatic vegetation, rocky substrates or methane gas bubble release preclude use of sonar.