1. Department of Chemistry Materials, and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta” Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 Milano MI 20133 Italy
2. Molecular Medicine Department (DMM) Center for Health Technologies (CHT) UdR INSTM University of Pavia Via Forlanini 14 Pavia PV 27100 Italy
3. Medicina Clinica‐Specialistica UOR5 Laboratorio Di Nanotecnologie ICS Maugeri IRCCS Via S. Boezio 28 Pavia PV 27100 Italy
4. University of Pavia – Department of Public Health Experimental and Forensic Medicine Histology and Embryology Unit Via Forlanini 2 Pavia PV 27100 Italy
5. Interuniversity Center for the promotion of the 3Rs principles in teaching and research (Centro 3R) Università di Pavia Unit Pavia PV 27100 Italy
6. Interuniversity Center for the promotion of the 3Rs principles in teaching and research (Centro 3R) Politecnico di Milano Unit Milano MI 20133 Italy