1. Bioartificial OrgansBiomaterials Science and Technology DepartmentFaculty of Science and TechnologyTechMed CentreUniversity of Twente Enschede 7500AE The Netherlands
2. Developmental BioEngineeringFaculty of Science and TechnologyTechMed CentreUniversity of Twente Enschede 7500AE The Netherlands
3. Pathology and Medical BiologySection ImmunoendocrinologyUniversity of GroningenUniversity Medical Center Groningen Groningen 9713GZ The Netherlands
4. Faculty of Sciences, School of BiologyAristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 54124 Greece
5. NephrologyLeiden University Medical Center Leiden 2333ZA The Netherlands
6. Hubrecht Institute Utrecht 3584CT The Netherlands
7. Complex Tissue RegenerationMERLN Institute for Technology Inspired Regenerative MedicineMaastricht University Maastricht 6229ER The Netherlands