1. “A Comparison of Innovative Technology for Thermal Destruction of Hazardous Waste,” in Proc. First Ann. Hazardous Materials Management Conf., Philadelphia, PA, July 12–14, 1983.
2. and , “An Overview of Pilot-Scale Research in Hazardous Waste Thermal Destruction,” in Proc. First Int. Conf. on New Frontiers for Hazardous Waste Management, Pittsburgh, PA, September 15–18, 1985.
3. and , “Field Testing and Computer Modelling of an Oxygen Combustion System at the EPA Mobile Incinerator,” Paper presented at the American Flame Research Committee International Symposium on Incineration of Hazardous Waste, Palm Springs, November 2–4, 1987 (not included in the conference proceedings).
4. U.S. Patent Nos. 4,378,205 and 4,541,796, Oxygen Aspirator Burner and Process for Firing a Furnace, March 29, 1983, and September 17, 1985.