1. Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Watershed Ecosystem Change and Biodiversity Center for Watershed Ecology, Institute of Life Science and School of Life Science Nanchang University Nanchang China
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, Coastal Ecosystems Research Station of the Yangtze River Estuary, and Shanghai Institute of EcoChongming (SIEC) Fudan University Shanghai China
3. Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Virginia Tech University Blacksburg VA USA
4. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization Nanchang University Nanchang China
5. Jiangxi Poyang Lake Wetland Conservation and Restoration National Permanent Scientific Research Base National Ecosystem Research Station of Jiangxi Poyang Lake Wetland Nanchang China
6. International Crane Foundation Baraboo WI USA
7. Jiangxi Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve Authority Nanchang China
8. The Institute of Biology and Resources Jiangxi Academy of Sciences Nanchang China