1. University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA
2. The University of Chicago Medicine Chicago Illinois USA
3. Lake Mary ENT and Allergy Lake Mary Florida USA
4. Wake Forest Baptist Health Winston Salem North Carolina USA
5. University of Wisconsin‐Madison Madison Wisconsin USA
6. Anderson ENT & Facial Plastics Anderson South Carolina USA
7. University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
8. Polyclinic Seattle Washington USA
9. Associated Otolaryngologists of PA, Inc. Hershey Pennsylvania USA
10. Allergy & Asthma Network Fairfax Virginia USA
11. Ear Nose & Throat Consultants Henderson Nevada USA
12. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore Maryland USA
13. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Bethesda Maryland USA
14. University of Pennsylvania, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA
15. Albany Med Health System Glens Fall New York USA
16. Stachler ENT, PC West Bloomfield Michigan USA
17. Stanford University Palo Alto California USA
18. American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Alexandria Virginia USA