1. Faculty of Computer Science; University of Vienna; Wahringerstrasse29 A-1090 Vienna Austria
2. Department of Computer Science; Linnaeus University; SE-351 95 Vaxjo Sweden
3. Research Group Parallel Computing; Vienna University of Technology; Favoritenstrasse 16/184-5 A-1040 Vienna Austria
4. Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Chalmers University of Technology; SE-412 96 Göteborg Sweden
5. Codeplay Software Limited; York Place 45 EH1 3HP Edinburgh United Kingdom
6. Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et En Automatique (INRIA); Bordeaux Sud-Ouest; Cours De La Liberation 351 F-33405 Talence Cedex France
7. Intel Gmbh; DornacherStrasse 1 D-85622 Feldkirchen Germany
8. IDA, Linköping University; S-58183 Linköping Sweden
9. Movidius Ltd.; Mountjoy Square East 19 D1 Dublin Ireland
10. KarlsruherInstitut Für Technologie; Amfasanengarten 5 D-76128Karlsruhe Germany