Stratigraphy and evolution of the buried CO2 deposit in the Martian south polar cap


Bierson C. J.1,Phillips R. J.23,Smith I. B.4,Wood S. E.5,Putzig N. E.4,Nunes D.6,Byrne S.7


1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; University of California; Santa Cruz California USA

2. Planetary Science Directorate; Southwest Research Institute; Boulder Colorado USA

3. McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Washington University; St. Louis Missouri USA

4. Department of Space Studies; Southwest Research Institute; Boulder Colorado USA

5. Department of Earth and Space Sciences; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA

6. California Institute of Technology; Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Pasadena California USA

7. Lunar and Planetary Lab; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Geophysics

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