1. : Pathology of peripheral nerve, in (ed): Major Problems in Pathology. Phildelphia, Saunders, 1978, pp 110-119.
2. Peripheral neuropathy in systemic vasculitis: Clinical and electrophysiologic study of 22 patients
3. : Angiopathic neuropathy in connective tissue diseases, in (eds): Peripheral Neuropathy. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1984, pp 2027-2043.
4. : Ectopic impulse generation in myelinated sensory nerve fibers in man, in (eds): Abnormal nerves and Muscles as Impulse Generators. Oxford University Press, 1982, pp 490-512.
5. : Neuropathy due to peripheral vascular diseases, in (eds): Peripheral Neuropathy. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1984, pp 1458-1478.