1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report (www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/News/Statistics/2018/plastic‐surgery‐statistics‐full‐report‐2018.pdf;accessed 23 June 2020).
2. British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Cosmetic surgery stats: number of surgeries remains stable amid calls for greater regulation of quick fix solutions (https://baaps.org.uk/media/press_releases/1708/cosmetic_surgery_stats_number_of_surgeries_remains_stable_amid_calls_for_greater_regulation_of_quick_fix_solutions;accessed 23 June 2020).
3. Facial Resurfacing of the Male Patient
4. Literature Review of Cosmetic Procedures in Men: Approaches and Techniques are Gender Specific
5. Quantifying Soft Tissue Loss in Facial Aging: A Study in Women Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging