1. Departments of Natural Sciences and Agriculture and Technical Studies Dickinson State Univ. Dickinson ND 58601 USA
2. Univ. of Wisconsin‐River Falls Plant and Earth Science Department 410 S. 3rd St. River Falls WI 54022 USA
3. Department of Forestry and Wildland Resources Humboldt State Univ. Arcata CA 95521 USA
4. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Univ. of Haifa Haifa 3498838 Israel
5. Department of Soil and Water Systems Univ. of Idaho Moscow ID 83844 USA
6. College of Agriculture California State Univ., Chico Chico CA 95929 USA
7. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Alabama A&M Univ. Normal AL 35811 USA
8. Department of Agronomy Kansas State Univ. Manhattan KS 66506 USA
9. Department of Agro‐environmental Sciences Univ. de Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Mayaguez 00682 Puerto Rico
10. Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences New Mexico State Univ. Las Cruces NM 88003 USA
11. Department of Ecosystem Science and Management Univ. of Wyoming Laramie WY 82071 USA