1. Department of HematologyErasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands
2. Amsterdam UMCUniversity of Amsterdam, Emma Children's Hospital, Pediatric Hematology Amsterdam The Netherlands
3. Department of Plasma ProteinsSanquin Research Amsterdam The Netherlands
4. Van CreveldkliniekUniversity Medical Center, University Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
5. Department of HematologyRadboud University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands
6. Department of HematologyUniversity of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen Groningen The Netherlands
7. Netherlands Hemophilia Society Leiden The Netherlands
8. Department of Vascular MedicineAmsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam The Netherlands
9. Department of Pediatric HematologyErasmus University Medical Center‐Sophia Children's Hospital Rotterdam The Netherlands
10. Department of Clinical EpidemiologyLeiden University Medical Center Leiden The Netherlands
11. Jon J van Rood Center for Clinical Transfusion MedicineSanquin Research Leiden The Netherlands
12. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Thrombosis and HemostasisLeiden University Medical Center Leiden The Netherlands
13. Einthoven Laboratory for Vascular and Regenerative MedicineLeiden University Medical Center Leiden The Netherlands