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2. Hegarty C. Kim T. Ericson S. Reddan P. Morrissey T. Van Dierendonck A. J. Methodology for Determining Compatibility of GPS L5 with Existing Systems and Preliminary Results Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation Cambridge, MA June 1999 399 408
3. Hegarty C. Van Dierendonck A. J. Civil GPS/WAAS Signal Design and Interference Environment at 1176.45 MHz: Results of RTCA SC159 WG1 Activities Proceedings of the 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GPS 1999) Nashville, TN September 1999 1727 1736
4. Hegarty C. Van Dierendonck A. J. Bobyn D. Tran M. Grabowski J. Suppression of Pulsed Interference Through Blanking Proceedings of the IAIN World Congress and the 56th Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation San Diego, CA June 2000 399 408
5. Dovis F. Musumeci L. Samson J. Performance Comparison of Transformed-domain Techniques for Pulsed Interference Mitigation Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2012) Nashville, TN September 2012 3530 3541