Have agricultural and applied economists lost sight of the land‐grant mission? A textual analysis of Presidential Addresses and Invited Papers from 1919–2022


Wilson Norbert L. W.1,Hochhaus Natalie2


1. World Food Policy Center, Sanford School of Public Policy Durham North Carolina USA

2. Beghou Consulting Durham North Carolina USA


AbstractAgricultural and applied economists have maintained a public discourse at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) meetings and subsequently published papers discussing the mission of land‐grant institutions and the role of AAEA members in that mission. With a content analysis of 4001 Invited Papers and Presidential Speeches, we find agricultural and applied economists questioned their profession's purpose and role within the land‐grant system. The reflective questions still apply to land‐grant institutions and the agricultural and applied economics profession. We argue that AAEA members are crucial in addressing the food and agricultural challenges connected to society's deepest needs today and into the future.


National Science Foundation



Reference71 articles.

1. The U. S. Department of Agriculture as an Instrument of Public Policy: In Retrospect and in Prospect

2. Reflections on Agricultural R&D, Productivity, and the Data Constraint: Unfinished Business, Unsettled Issues

3. Coordinating Research, Extension, and Outreach in Agricultural Economics

4. Some Almost‐Ideal Remedies for Healing Land Grant Universities

5. Benson L.2022.“The U.S. Land‐Grant University System: Overview and Role in Agricultural Research.” No. R45897 Congressional Research Service. October 9 2023.https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45897.








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