1. The Transport of Baled Cotton Petition for Rulemaking. National Cotton Council to US DOT. June 3, 1996 and Supplemental Materials, July 31, 1996 (DOT Assigned Number, P-1316).
2. International Maritime Organization, Sub-committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargo and Containers, Amendment 29 to the IMDG. Code. Amendment to Schedule Class 4.1, Cotton, Dry. Submitted by the United States, DSC 3/3/10, Nov. 14, 1997.
3. International Maritime Organization, Sub-committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargo and Containers. Draft Report to the Maritime Safety Committee, DSC 3/WP.4, Feb. 12, 1998.
4. Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Final Rule. Federal Register Vol.63, 57929, Oct. 29, 1998.
5. Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Final Rule. Federal Register Vol.64, 10741, 10745, 10775, Mar. 5, 1999.