1. Differentiation of Receptor Systems activated by Sympathomimetic Amines
2. Yohimbine and mirtazepine are marketed α2 antagonists but are nonselective. Yohimbine is used for treating male impotence: Guide Pratique des Médicaments, 21e ed. (Ed.: Ph. Dorosz), Maloine, 2001 , p. 1485. Mirtazepine is used for treating depression: Guide Pratique des Médicaments, 21e ed. (Ed.: Ph. Dorosz), Maloine, 2001 , p. 1485.
3. Proposal for a noradrenaline hypothesis of schizophrenia
4. "Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease: A Theory" in Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease (Eds.: CRC Press, Inc., Boca RatonFlorida1994pp. 225-254.