1. Getting a Grip on Multi-GNSS: The International GNSS Service MGEX Campaign;Montenbruck;GPS World,2013
2. IGS Homepage of the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment http://igs.org/mgex http://igsws.unavco.org/mgex/
3. IGS RINEX - The Receiver Independent Exchange Format 2013
4. Falcone , M. Binda , S. Breeuwer , E. Hahn , J. Spinelli , E. Gonzalez , F. López Risueño , G. Giordano , P. Swinden , R. Galluzzo , G. Hedquist , A. Galileo on Its Own - First Position Fix InsideGNSS 2013 50 71
5. IS-GPS-705 (2011) Interface Specification IS-GPS-705, Revision B 2011