Temperature during pupal development affects hoverfly developmental time, adult life span, and wing length


Daňková Klára12ORCID,Nicholas Sarah1ORCID,Nordström Karin13ORCID


1. Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute Flinders University Adelaide South Australia Australia

2. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science Charles University Praha 2 Czech Republic

3. Department of Medical Cell Biology Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden


AbstractHoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) are cosmopolitan, generalist flower visitors and among the most important pollinators after bees and bumblebees. The droneflyEristalis tenaxcan be found in temperate and continental climates across the globe, often synanthropically.Eristalis tenaxpupae of different generations and different climate zones are thus exposed to vastly different temperatures. In many insects, the ambient temperature during the pupal stage affects development, adult size, and survival; however, the effect of developmental temperature on these traits in hoverflies is comparatively poorly understood. We here rearedE.tenaxpupae at different temperatures, from 10°C to 25°C, and quantified the effect on adult hoverflies. We found that pupal rearing at 17°C appeared to be optimal, with high eclosion rates, longer wings, and increased adult longevity. Rearing temperatures above or below this optimum led to decreased eclosion rates, wing size, and adult survival. Similar thermal dependence has been observed in other insects. We found that rearing temperature had no significant effect on locomotor activity, coloration or weight, despite evidence of strong sexual dimorphism for each of these traits. Our findings are important as hoverflies are key pollinators, and understanding the effects of developmental temperature could potentially be useful for horticulture.


Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Australian Research Council




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics








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