1. Department of Molecular Immunology, GBB University of Groningen Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands
2. Department of Molecular Genetics, GBB University of Groningen Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands
3. Baseclick GmbH Floriansbogen 2 82061 Neuried Germany
4. Department of Medical Biology and Pathology, UMCG Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands
AbstractThe identification of pseudo‐ and N1‐methylpseudo‐uridine (Ψ and mΨ, respectively) as immunosilent uridine analogues has propelled the development of mRNA‐based vaccines and therapeutics. Here, we have characterised another uridine analogue, 5‐ethynyluridine (EU), which has an ethynyl moiety. We show that this uridine analogue does not cause immune activation in human macrophages, as it does not induce interleukin‐6 secretion or expression of the inflammatory and antiviral genes MX1, PKR, and TAP2. Moreover, EU allows for prolonged expression, as shown with mRNA coding for yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). Side‐by‐side comparisons of EU with unmodified, Ψ, and mΨ revealed that EU‐modified mRNA is expressed at lower levels, but confers similar stability and low immunogenicity to the other uridine analogues. Furthermore, structure analysis of modified mRNAs suggests that the observed phenotype is largely independent of RNA folding. Thus, EU is a potential candidate for RNA‐based vaccines and therapeutics.
Organic Chemistry,Molecular Biology,Molecular Medicine,Biochemistry