On the Role of Temperature in the Depolymerization of PET by FAST‐PETase: An Atomistic Point of View on Possible Active Site Pre‐Organization and Substrate‐Destabilization Effects


Orlando Carla1,Prejanò Mario1,Russo Nino1,Marino Tiziana1


1. Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche Laboratorio PROMOCS cubo 14C Università della Calabria 87036 Rende (CS) Italy


AbstractEnzyme FAST‐PETase, recently obtained by a machine learning approach, can depolymerize poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a synthetic resin employed in plastics and in clothing fibers. Therefore it represents a promising solution for the recycling of PET‐based materials. In this study, a model of PET was adopted to describe the substrate, and all‐atoms classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on apo‐ and substrate‐bound FAST‐PETase were carried out at 30 and 50 °C to provide atomistic details on the binding step of the catalytic cycle. Comparative analysis shed light on the interactions occurring between the FAST‐PETase and 4PET at 50 °C, the optimal working conditions of the enzyme. Pre‐organization of the enzyme active and binding sites has been highlighted, while MD simulations of FAST‐PETase:4PET pointed out the occurrence of solvent‐inaccessible conformations of the substrate promoted by the enzyme. Indeed, neither of these conformations was observed during MD simulations of the substrate alone in solution performed at 30, 50 and 150 °C. The analysis led us to propose that, at 50 °C, the FAST‐PETase is pre‐organized to bind the PET and that the interactions occurring in the binding site can promote a more reactive conformation of PET substrate, thus enhancing the catalytic activity of the enzyme.


Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile




Organic Chemistry,Molecular Biology,Molecular Medicine,Biochemistry

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