Advanced Methods for Dose and Regimen Finding During Drug Development: Summary of the EMA/EFPIA Workshop on Dose Finding (London 4-5 December 2014)


Musuamba FT123,Manolis E14,Holford N5,Cheung SYA6,Friberg LE7,Ogungbenro K8,Posch M9,Yates JWT6,Berry S10,Thomas N11,Corriol-Rohou S6,Bornkamp B12,Bretz F912,Hooker AC7,Van der Graaf PH1314,Standing JF115,Hay J116,Cole S116,Gigante V117,Karlsson K118,Dumortier T12,Benda N119,Serone F117,Das S6,Brochot A20,Ehmann F4,Hemmings R16,Rusten I Skottheim121


1. EMA Modelling and Simulation Working Group; London UK

2. Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products; Brussels Belgium

3. UMR850 INSERM, Université de Limoges; Limoges France

4. European Medicines Agency; London UK

5. Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology; University of Auckland; Auckland New Zealand

6. AstraZeneca UK Limited; London UK

7. Uppsala University; Uppsala Sweden

8. Manchester University; Manchester UK

9. Center for Medical Statistics; Informatics and Intelligent Systems, Medical University of Vienna; Vienna Austria

10. Berry consultants, Austin; Texas USA

11. Pfizer; London UK

12. Novartis; London UK

13. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research; Leiden The Netherlands

14. Certara QSP; Canterbury UK

15. University College London; London UK

16. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency; London UK

17. Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco; Roma Italy

18. Medical Products Agency; Uppsala Sweden

19. Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte; Bonn Germany

20. ABLYNX; Gent Belgium

21. Norvegian Medicines Agency; Oslo Norway




Pharmacology (medical),Modeling and Simulation







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