1. Anonymous1842.Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii poveleniem Gosudarâ Imperatora Nikolaâ Pavloviča sostavlennyj. Ustavy blagočiniâ[Digest of laws of the Russian Empire compiled by the order of His Majesty Nikolai Pavlovich. Code of civil regulations] vol. 2. Saint Petersburg: Second Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery. [In Russian]https://books.google.com/books?id=cfZbAAAAcAAJ
2. Séance du 30 mai (11 juin) 1851;Anonymous;Bull. Cl. Phys.‐Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint‐Pétersbourg,1851
3. Séance du 10 (22) octobre 1856;Anonymous;Bull. Cl. Phys.‐Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint‐Pétersbourg,1857
4. Séance du 26 novembre (8 decembre) 1858;Anonymous;Bull. Cl. Phys.‐Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint‐Pétersbourg,1859
5. Aleksandr Alekseevič Tatarinov [Alexander Alexeevich Tatarinow (obituary)];Anonymous;Istorich. Vestn.,1886