1. Department of Mechanical Engineering École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Station 9 EPFL 1015 Lausanne Switzerland
2. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering National University of Singapore #05-01, Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS) 28 Medical Drive Singapore 117456 Singapore
3. Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Design and Engineering National University of Singapore #07-08, Block EA 9 Engineering Drive 1 Singapore 117575 Singapore
4. Department of Biomedical Engineering College of Design and Engineering National University of Singapore #04-08, Engineering Block 4 4 Engineering Drive 3 Singapore 117583 Singapore
5. Department of Control Science and Engineering College of Electronics and Information Engineering Tongji University No. 1239, Siping Road Shanghai 200092 China
6. Advanced Robotics Centre National University of Singapore 5 Engineering Drive 1 Block E6 Singapore 117608 Singapore